Future Of Earth - Solar Energy

You must have heard about solar energy many times and you will also know that solar energy can be used for the electricity of our entire house.Has this question ever come in your mind that solar energy can generate electricity for the whole earth? If you also want to know the answer to this question, then read the whole blog from floatingzindagi, today you will know not only the answer to your question but also many other things, then you did not know. 

There is a village called Bhadla in Rajasthan's Jodhpur district. it's a very hot place & in summers the temperature reaches 46°C -48°C. There are severe sandstorms as well. Now if you see this area from Satalite what you can see is, Bradla solar park which is the biggest solar park in the world. Spread across an area of 14,000 acres of land and in km around 56.6km² solar panels have been installed here . If you want to know how huge is this area is then get it as, it can fit half the city of paris.

Total capacity of this solar park is 2.245 MW which is enough to electricity to fill the electricity requirements of kolkata city The huge solar power plant srows the real potential of solar energy. 

Out of country, Morocco is considered as world leader in trems of solar energy. In this country 20% of electricity is comes from Solar Energy & worlds largest Concentrated solar power is found In Moxorro.

Concentrated solar 

 Concentrated solar power means that generate heat from the sunlight by concentrating it at one spot in the tube that you see the Thermal front of the panels & arter energy is used to produc electricity

Photovoltaic solar panel

And the other are photovoltaic solar panel like the ones installed in we which directly convect sunlight into electrical charges. One of the big question is that how big we can made this solar palore Can we install it on the entire desert to fulfill the electricity requirement of the world? Can solar panels are enough For global electricity demand? So the answer is that to fulfill the global electricity. we won't even need to cover the Sahara desert with solar panel. We can't even imagin that the So much of Solar Energy reaches that Surface. At all times, 140 13.000 terra walt's of Solar Energy reaches the earth & this is 10,000 times more than the demand of global electricity requirement. Sunlight reaches the earth in 1.5 hrs can meet the annual global energy consumption that means even if we installed Solar Panels in small area that will be enough to meet the global requirements. Exactly how much of area will be needed to be covered with Solar Energy? By Nadine may, in 2005 she said on North Africa if we placed Solar Panels in square with sides of 251 km & this is enough for global electricity

But this estimate was done in 2005 That's why a belter & more. realistic estimate was published. In this estimate the Solar Panels just installed in one part of earth but multiple squares in various parts of the world and fairly distributed. It belived that this small areas are enough for global Requirement, 500000 km² are the area For global electricity demand, 9000 more Solar Panels like Bhadla Solar Panels, approx 200000 MM is the demand of India And solely Bhadla solar panels produce more than 2000 MW So we need 100 more such power plant to fulfill the need of electricity 

it Sound  really good then why aren't governments to across the world because when we think using this practically then So many problems are there that we have to face Solar Panels, 

First of them is if we installed in the Countries of the Sahara desert then other countries will need to be dependent on it of these countries will gain power Some Wars Goal already fought for energy like oil in history.

Second problem is will be in distributing the energy suppose If we plant Solar Panels in the sahar a desert then taking the electricity to every part of the world would need lots of money, electricity and it will create a lot of wastage too.when electricity is transmitted from one face to and they there are some losses in the transmission will be. 

Third problem Everyday Should clean Solar Panels but when we plant them in large quantity then it will be a big problem especially in dessert where are severe Sandstorms are And in rajasthan for this problers more than 2000 Cleaning robots have been set up there. But the biggest Fourth problem would be place be the life cycle we have to change solar panels in 24 yrs which takes so much of money And the major problem is money only we don't have money.

But for these problem we have solution too, we can use solar panals at individual level like having solar panals in our house, cars, water as well. These problems which we will faceing at higher level can't be seen in individual level, cleaning would be easy and other problem like geopolitics and loss of electricity not able to happen. If people start installing solar panels in their homes, geopolitics will not be a problem Maintenance will be easy The solar company will provide maintenance. Energy distribution will not be a problem because people will use the electricity in their home.

If we talk about cost it will be benefit for everyone there are 2 types of solar systems at individual level one is on-grid & other is off grid

On grid means that the solar system is placed at your home will be connected to the grid. Provides the facility of net metering which means at day time electricity come from Solar Panels after your electricity requirement was completed then  electricity is transmitted to the grid and you will get pay for it although at night you can use from grid but have to pay for it.

And in off-grid system there is no grid s connected to the house. After Completing house demand the electricity will shored at battery and at night it will again used in house. But it is Suggested that you to use on-grid because batteries are very costly. It's a one time investment.

 After So many benefits of Solar Energy. There are some drawback but drawbacks are not what you are thinking like what happen in winters or Rainy season when wheater is cloudy  their then the answer is & solar panels can be working when light are present it means direct Sunlight is not necessery. 

 So if this wasn't a disadvantage What is it?

  1st one is the carbon emissions most of Solar Panels are made up with silicone, Semiconductors & glass, and silver, copper indum & pillenum such metals are used For making Solar Panels this has a huge environmental cost. Although gloss and silicon is a found everywhere but other Metals are found by mining which leads to the soil, water & air pollutions. And in factories for making Solar Panels carbon emission ownset. If we compare this with the fossil fuel like coal, gas & oil to then using Solar energy is definitely better.

2nd biggest disadvantage is the life cycle of solar parels what happens when life span Of Solar Panels runs out? Replacing all of them, but what happens with old Solar Panel? They can be recycled?  Now, recycle the Solar Panels, economically not very Profilable recycle 

But the future of Solar Energy is very bright!!!

That's it for today hope you like the blog and Thankyou 

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